Meet Ryan, the Hands and the Heart Behind

Healing Headstones

I grew up in a small town in southern Missouri, where I spent my days playing outside and exploring. This led to me wandering through local graveyards, reading the weathered and moss-covered headstones and imagining the life behind each name. As I grew older, I wanted to show respect for the past and to honor the memories of those who came before me, which led me to finding my calling.

Soon, I discovered the power of headstone cleaning and restoration and aimed to learn more and hone my skills. From the rolling hills of Missouri to the harsh deserts of Arizona, I learned skills and techniques to clean and restore headstones in all conditions. A few years ago, I arrived in Maine, surrounded by its deep history and natural beauty, and that's when I knew I had discovered the perfect place to channel my passion. Here, I made it my mission to revive the memories held within the headstones that grace the state's cemeteries.

With a blend of traditional craftsmanship, modern techniques, and a heart full of respect, I founded Healing Headstones. My business is a testament of my dedication to ensure that these stories are heard, cherished and preserved. Each restoration I undertake is not just a job but a labor of love, a way to ensure that the past lives on for future generations to discover and appreciate.

I am also a proud member of the Maine Old Cemetary Association. I enjoy learning more about the area from the local members, as well as sharing my knowledge with others. If you would like to learn more about the Maine Old Cemetary Association, please click here.